@extends('layouts.contentLayoutMaster') {{-- page title --}} @section('title','Tooltip') {{-- Page content --}} @section('content')

Tooltips are small, interactive, textual hints for mainly graphical elements. When using icons for actions you can use a tooltip to give people clarification on its function.


Add the Tooltipped class to your element and add either top, bottom, left, right on data-tooltip to control the position.

Words Tooltips

Add the Tooltipped class to your element and add either top, bottom, left, right on data-tooltip to control the position.

  <!-- data-position can be : bottom, top, left, or right -->
  <a class="btn tooltipped" data-position="bottom" data-tooltip="I am a tooltip">Hover me!</a>

Tooltips are initialized automatically, but if you have dynamically added tooltips, you will need to initialize them.


jQuery Plugin Options

Option Name Description
delay Delay time before tooltip appears. (Default: 350)
tooltip Tooltip text. Can use custom HTML if you set the html option.
position Set the direction of the tooltip. 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'. (Default: 'bottom')
html Allow custom html inside the tooltip. (Default: false)


To close the tooltip from the button, pass in 'close' as instance

    // This will close the tooltip functionality for the buttons on this page