{{-- layout --}} @extends('layouts.contentLayoutMaster') {{-- page title --}} @section('title','Alerts') {{-- page content --}} @section('content')

Alerts are simple materialize cars that provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible alert messages.


Add materialize lighten color contextual class.

NEWS : You have done 5 actions.

INFO : You have 18 messages

SUCCESS : The page has been added.

DANGER : The daily report has failed

WARNING : Bandwidth limit exceeded


Add materialize base color contextual class.

NEWS : You have done 5 actions.

INFO : You have 18 messages

SUCCESS : The page has been added.

DANGER : The daily report has failed

WARNING : Bandwidth limit exceeded


Add materialize icons class.

notifications NEWS : You have done 5 actions.

info_outline INFO : You have 18 messages

check SUCCESS : The page has been added.

error DANGER : The daily report has failed

warning WARNING : Bandwidth limit exceeded


Add title class.

Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.

Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.

Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.

notifications Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.


Add materialize button for actions.

Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.

Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.

notifications Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.


Add avatar on alerts.

avatar You have new task.

avatar You have new task.

avatar Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.

avatar notifications Some Message

Lorem ipsum Minim ad pariatur eiusmod ea ut nulla aliqua est quis id dolore minim voluptate.

@endsection {{-- page script --}} @section('page-script') @endsection